In everything we do, we aim to make a tangible impact — which means we simply can not afford to operate from a limited mindset and must open our hearts to a bigger, better realm of possibility and strive to make a greater difference alongside the organizations, cities, and entrepreneurs we’re so fortunate to partner with.
Since 2016 Kale & Flax has launched 200+ projects in more than 27 industries and has grown 290% over the last few years since 2020 shutdown our cities. It fills us with great joy to be able to say that the majority of those projects have improved the lives of people from a wide range of communities.
Knowing that our team’s efforts helped register more than 90k people as new transplant donors in 2022 alone, created a campaign that helped raise over $7.9 million in donations, and helped develop the Mental Health Flag that is currently flown in more than 12 countries — ‘making an impact’ starts to feel esoteric and intangible. This report is to remind us just how tangible, and important, collaborating alongside our partners truly has been.
Digging deep to see how we have truly made a difference became important to us. We care and we’re proud to have partners who also care, and who understand that every small effort counts.
That’s why we’ve taken the necessary time to release our first impact report as a commitment to the good that we want to keep spreading in the world. Through these pages, we hope that you get a glimpse of how much love and optimism we dedicate to each partnership, and how much we celebrate each project that flies off the launching pad.
Check out Kale & Flax’s 2020-2023 Impact Report here.
Con altura!